Our mandate for this annual was to convey a feeling of heritage, permanence and longevity. I think I pulled it off, with the use of (perennial favorite) uncoated Cougar Smooth and a mostly two-colour design starting with a harshly minimal cover design using a blind emboss of their logo (a major departure from their past ARs).
I was really rooting for no ink at all on the cover, but we weren't quite able to push that through.
With Wescan's corporate colours of black and gold it was natural to convert their site snapshots to black and white for that vintage feel, and use touches of gold for warmth through the book.
Many of the titles were pushed to the very edge to create a bit of tension on the page. I don't know if I'd try this again, but it was a short print run and with a little cajoling the printers did a nice job and were able to keep them remarkably consistent after trimming.
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